Monday, 5 January 2009

Headlines to make you groan

Due to a small cold (or the lasting effects of a hangover I'm not sure), I have been off line for a couple of days. I'm feeling better now, however the following headlines almost make me want to crawl back into my pit:

Bush says Hamas to blame for Gaza; shock horror, really? You mean that Bush isn't blaming Israel? I, for one, am gobsmacked.

Celebrity Big Bother Brother is a hit; oh for fuck sake, this is not, I repeat, not news.

Don't diet to avoid the flu a study tells us; now apart from the fact that an opposing study will probably come out next week, the article doesn't bother me, except for the following quote:

"The study, the team added, should not be seen as a carte blanche to avoid dieting all year, but to reserve weight control to the eight months of the year when flu is not so virulent"

Oh for crying out loud, will you please stop telling people what to do; and don't you just love those words "weight control", yep control that's what it's all about.

Scientists dismiss detox myth; to their utter shock, they have discovered that off the shelf miracle cures are not, in fact, miracle cures. Oh well, I guess it takes some people longer than others.

I'm off to bang my head against the wall.

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