Friday, 9 January 2009


Today I find myself at a painful and frightening crossroads in my life. A venture which was sure to succeed, did indeed succeed, however the person I entered into it with and I are no longer on speaking terms, and so I have had some tough choices to make.

I have decided to extricate myself as best I can from this ill-fated partnership, but in doing so I know that I will sever what has been the most important friendship in my life, and in addition put myself in financial straights as I will not be able to recover the money I invested in this partnership, or at least not for the foreseeable future.

Some may view my actions as cowardly, I’m cutting and running, but I am doing so to ensure what I believe to be a very important factor, that of my own happiness. To stay in a situation that makes me cry like a two year old every time I think about it, let alone when I am in it is something which I deem unacceptable to me. I am being selfish, and I offer no apology for it, only a lot of regret. When we realize that those closest to us, are in fact the only ones that are able to hurt us in deep and lasting ways, it clarifies how much risk we take every time we let someone into our lives. I’m rambling, I know…

What has made this decision possible is the un-mitigating support of my family and friends, without whom this decision would have been impossible to make. Their support and tireless listening has helped me sort through the jumble of my thoughts and clarify the paths open to me; the fact that they will still be there once my decision turns to action makes what I have to do possible, and for that I thank them more than they can know.

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