Tuesday, 30 December 2008

This is news? Are you sure?

I never cease to be amazed by what makes it into my news feed of a morning. I use Firefox as my browser, which comes with a handy menu of the BBC's latest headlines (propaganda at it's best methinks, and I don't even live in the UK, but that's a whole other post), so I have decided to share what I consider to be the two most ridiculous headlines in my news feed daily; gems from today include:

Sarah Palin's daughter gives birth really? Do we care? Even the Palin's have refused to comment, and yet this ranks in the top 10 of 30 odd headlines, amazing. And then we have:

Thatcher sidelilned over suffage in 1978 a tale of backstabbing politicians 30 years ago and labour's "dislike" hmm for Thatcher; now that is news.

Honestly, it's beyond ridiculous (and I refuse to post a link to the story of a man writing Mills and Boons books, even I have my limits FFS), and to be honest pickings today have been slim due to the bloodbath that is occuring in Gaza.


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